台北 桃園 新竹 苗栗 台中
新竹 峨眉


藝術家秉持著零廢棄物創作的精神,使用回收材料,將原本廢棄車輪和廢棄瓶蓋等,製作成拾光支柱,柱上的扇葉因風而旋轉,墜飾由風而搖曳,行人駐足,感受在轉動中時間彷彿不一樣了。 藝術家希望透過作品可以回應這處悠閒的環境帶來的特殊感受。途經拾光走廊的時候,路上的風便成為時間的指引,旋轉、搖晃著、微微閃爍著,引領來到十二寮的遊客踏入秘境深處。

Memory- located next to a pond in 12-Liao is composed of six independent Memory pillars. It welcomes visitors as a road sign.

Memory is created by a group of artists who commit their free-waste spirit into their artwork. They made each pillar by using recycled materials such as scrap tires, waste metal, and caps. Blades on the pillars spins, and decorations swings as it breezes. Visitors would catch a bit of timeless when stopping by. Artists expect Memory to express how they feel about the peace in mind of the environment around here and guide travelers into 12-Liao to discover its beauty.