客家人從平原一路到台三線「尋龍建庄」,為的是讓後代可以依偎龍神而居,並建立信仰中心,建庄之後,選擇以保護龍神方式,以「穿龍圳」建立灌溉系統,讓世代可以在龍神腳下生活。 大地乳水滋養著東勢這塊土地,「水圳」成為了東勢客庒的生態特色,也見證台灣中部客庒拓荒的歷史,讓東勢風土成為浪漫台三線珍貴的水路文化路徑。
KKBOX 【東勢尋龍探圳-漫遊大茅埔】專屬歌單
The Hakka people migrated all the way from the plains and built settlements along the river banks near Provincial Highway 3, so that their descendants could live close to the Dragon God (a powerful water god). Here, they established a unique set of cultures and beliefs, and chose to protect the river by building the environmentally friendly Chuan Long Irrigation and Drainage Canal System so that their descendants could live close to the Dragon God. Mother Nature's nutrient-rich waters nourish the lands of Dongshi District, whose irrigation and drainage canals form a unique ecological feature of Dongshi's Hakka settlements. The canal system also bears witness to the history of land reclamation and development by Hakka settlements in Central Taiwan, making Dongshi a culturally significant highlight of the Taiwan Romantic Route 3 series of attractions.